Hoe and Worthing Archive: The Chapman family 



Philip Dennis Chapman (1866-1934), farmer, tanner, fellmonger and wool merchant, lived at Barons Hall, Fakenham, but bought Worthing Tannery in 1906.

E C Chapman    Edmund (Ted) Crowe Chapman
    (1894-1971) enlisted in the Norfolk
During WWI and received a
    commission in the Berkshire
    Yeomanry. In 1918 he married Hannah
    (Nancy) Stubbs; they had two

    He succeeded his father running the
    business and lived at the Tannery
    House in Worthing.
 He was an
    enthusiastic horseman, huntsman
    and horse breeder and Clerk of the
    Course at Fakenham for twenty years.

John Neal & Alice Chapman    Tannery worker John Neal and the Chapmans'
    daughter Alice in the Tannery yard.

    Alice Chapman married Peter Gow, who
    became a director of Chapmans and took the
    following six photographs in the 1930s, using a
    new Leica 35mm camera.

Bridget Chapman

Bridget Chapman, Alice's sister.

Chapmans & Peter Gow

Peter Gow (right) with Ted and Hannah Chapman at Tannery House, Worthing.

Alice Gow

Alice Gow in the driving seat. The car lost its canvas roof in a storm on a journey from London.

Chapman-Gow hunt

The Chapmans were enthusiastic members of the West Norfolk Hunt.


West Norfolk Foxhounds pack at the Tannery. The man holding his hat is Eustace Goodings, publican of the Bull at Litcham, where the hunt would meet. In front of the hut is Arthur Johnson, Huntsman from 1913 to 1946. Behind the hounds are Alice and Ted Chapman.


One of the race horses bred by Ted Chapman, in front of Tannery House, Worthing. The groom is Mr Bullimore.

Sculthorpe Bob

Ted Chapman also bred prize-winning cattle – 1932.

Chapman anniversary

anniversary text    The newspaper report of the Chapmans'
    golden wedding anniversary.

hunt at Manor Farm

The West Norfolk Hunt meeting in 2007 at Manor Farm, Hoe, Peter and Alice Gow's home from 1945.