Hoe and Worthing Archive: Worthing Mill 



The Inclosure map (1814) shows the mill and its pond and leet, occupied by Howell & Lacey. The site of the mill has probably been used since medieval times. In a sale advertisement published in the Norfolk Chronicle in 1861, the present mill was described as being 'newly built'.

merrison    Two bricks in the front wall of the Mill
    house have the date 1766 and the
    name I CLARK scratched into them.

    The entrance pillars to the Mill House
    bear the name T. W. Merrison on one
    and the date Feb. 28 1846 on the

    Thomas William Merrison died in 1885
    and his widow in 1907, when the mill
    was sold. Both are buried in Worthing

    In 1900 Mrs Merrison had complained
    to the courts of the nuisance caused by
    pollution from the Tannery when there
    was an outbreak of typhoid. There is a
    full account from the newspaper on the
    Tannery page.



In 1887 Annie Merrison insured the mill with its four pairs of stones, water wheel and outbuidlings as well as the mill house for £780.

Gow photo mill

Peter Gow's photograph of the mill in the 1930s, upstream side. It was used as a store. 

mill wheel   
The remains of the water wheel in the

fishing   The downstream side of the mill, 1930s.

See the Norfolk Mills website
http://www.norfolkmills.co.uk/Watermills/worthing.html for detailed information on the mill, including a diagram of the mechanism at http://www.norfolkmills.co.uk/watermill-machinery.html

hunter trial

1934 – winter sports near the mill.