
The Parish boundary – Whitemill on the Elmham Road
looking towards Elmham, before the road bridge was
built. Mr H. Hurn driving with Mrs Hurn. The boy on
the footbridge is C. Hurn, later of Kingston and Hurn
grocers, Dereham. 1906
The Tithe map of 1845
shows the ford
with its footbridge.
In 1950
this self-build on the Elmham Road
was newsworthy. The bungalow is

1976 – Hilary Howlett's bungalow next door to Ashford,
called Hillbrook, and his Escort rally car and

Hillbrook had a home-made looking store for straw next
to the piggery. 1983. Lenny Butters had the piggery.

Hilary started Brookland Autos in the old piggery.

The workshop was basic.

Building work begun on the new garage in 1987. The
large white shed in the background was Stanberrys farm
shop for a while, before the land was sold for house

The new garage. When Hilary retired, John Mead took
over the business. The Howletts built Oak Lodge just
up the road in 2010.