Keeper's Cottage was a bungalow
which stood where the house of the
same name now is. It was numbered 5
in the sequence of cottages.
Jack Last was gamekeeper for
E. C. Keith from 1948 to 1952.
In his memoir, Life and Thoughts
of a
Countryman, he describes coming
Hoe as gamekeeper. There were three
shoots a season and he went loading
for 'the Boss' or for Michael, his
son, at
other shoots locally.
During his time at Hoe he helped
three woods with the gardener and Mr
Holmes and Mr Burton.
"Spraying started about this time
the employment of 'a new young man
with modern ideas'. Most of the
farmland was sprayed causing great
losses to game eggs and hedgerow

Later, Charles Holmes was gamekeeper for the Keiths and
lived at the bungalow, after that at No. 14. This
painting by William Cooper shows him loading for xxx
The wedding of Norma Holmes of Keeper's Bungalow,
1963. Note that the reception was
held in the Reading
Room, (the Parish Room) Hoe for
seventy guests.

Edward and Dolly Butters moved back to No.5 when
Edward retired from farm work.